"Light Makes Right"
February 20, 1989
Volume 2, Number 2
Compiled by
All contents are copyright (c) 1989, all rights reserved by the individual authors
Archive locations: anonymous FTP at
wuarchive.wustl.edu:/graphics/graphics/RTNews, and many others.
You may also want to check out the Ray Tracing News issue guide and the ray tracing FAQ.
I've put all the comp.graphics postings at the end, and the good news is that the queue is now empty. The `Sound Tracing' postings to comp.graphics were many and wordy. I've tried to pare them down to references, interesting questions that arose, and informed (or at least informed-sounding to my naive ears) opinions.
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[this mail path is just a good guess - does gould have an arpa connection? The uucp path I use is: turner_whitted hpfcrs!hpfcla!hplabs!sun!gould!rti!ndl!jtw ]
# Michael John Muuss -- ray-tracing for predictive analysis of 3-D CSG models
# Leader, Advanced Computer Systems Team
# Ballistic Research Lab
# APG, MD 21005-5066
# (301)-278-6678 [telephone is discouraged, use E-mail instead]
alias mike_muuss mike@BRL.MIL
I lead BRL's Advanced Computer Systems Team (ACST) in research projects in (a) CSG solid modeling, ray-tracing, and analysis, (b) advanced processor architectures [mostly MIMD of late], (c) high-speed networking, and (d) operating systems. We are the developers of the BRL-CAD Package, which is a sophisticated Combinatorial Solid Geometry (CSG) solid modeling system, with ray-tracing library, several lighting models, a variety of non-optical "lighting" models (eg, radar) [available on request], a device independent framebuffer library, a collection of image-processing tools, etc. This software totals about 150,000 lines of C code, which we make available in source form under the terms of a "limited distribution agreement" at no charge.
My personal interests wander all over the map, right now I'm fiddling with some animation software, some D/A converters for digital music processing, and some improvements to our network-distributed ray-tracer protocol.
Thanks for the invitation to join!
Best, -mike
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In FY87 two major releases of the BRL CAD Package software were made (Feb-87, July-87), along with two editions of the associated 400 page manual. The package includes a powerful solid modeling capability and a network-distributed image-processing capability. This software is now running at over 300 sites. It has been distributed to 42 academic institutions in twenty states and four countries including Yale, Princeton, Stanford, MIT,USC, and UCLA. The University of California - San Diego is using the package for rendering brains in their Brain Mapping Project at the Quantitative Morphology Laboratory. 75 different businesses have requested and received the software including 23 Fortune 500 companies including: General Motors, AT&T, Crysler Motors Corporation, Boeing, McDonnell Douglas, Lockheed, General Dynamics, LTV Aerospace & Defense Co., and Hewlett Packard. 16 government organizations representing all three services, NSA, NASA, NBS and the Veterns Administration are running the code. Three of the four national laboratories have copies of the BRL CAD package. More than 500 copies of the manual have been distributed.
BRL-CAD started in 1979 as a task to provide an interactive graphics editor for the BRL target description data base.
Today it is > 100,00 lines of C source code:
Solid geometric editor Ray tracing utilities Lighting model Many image-handling, data-comparison, and other supporting utilities
It runs under UNIX and is supported over more than a dozen product lines from Sun Workstations to the Cray 2.
In terms of geometrical representation of data, BRL-CAD supports:
the original Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) BRL data base which has been used to model > 150 target descriptions, domestic and foreign
extensions to include both a Naval Academy spline (Uniform B-Spline Surface) as well as a U. of Utah spline (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline [NURB] Surface) developed under NSF and DARPA sponsorship
a facerted data representation, (called PATCH), developed by Falcon/Denver Research Institute and used by the Navy and Air Force for vulnerability and signature calculations (> 200 target descriptions, domestic and foreign
It supports association of material (and other attribute properties) with geometry which is critical to subsequent applications codes.
It supports a set of extensible interfaces by means of which geometry (and attribute data) are passed to applications:
Ray casting Topological representation 3-D Surface Mesh Generation 3-D Volume Mesh Generation Analytic (Homogeneous Spline) representation
Applications linked to BRL-CAD:
o Weights and Moments-of-Inertia o An array of Vulnerability/Lethality Codes o Neutron Transport Code o Optical Image Generation (including specular/diffuse reflection, refraction, and multiple light sources, animation, interference) o Bistatic laser target designation analysis o A number of Infrared Signature Codes o A number of Synthetic Aperture Radar Codes (including codes due to ERIM and Northrop) o Acoustic model predictions o High-Energy Laser Damage o High-Power Microwave Damage o Link to PATRAN [TM] and hence to ADINA, EPIC-2, NASTRAN, etc. for structural/stress analysis o X-Ray calculation
BRL-CAD source code has been distributed to approximately 300 computer sites, several dozen outside the US.
To obtain a copy of the BRL CAD Package distribution, you must send enough magnetic tape for 20 Mbytes of data. Standard nine-track half-inch magtape is the strongly preferred format, and can be written at either 1600 or 6250 bpi, in TAR format with 10k byte records. For sites with no half-inch tape drives, Silicon Graphics and SUN tape cartridges can also be accommodated. With your tape, you must also enclose a letter indicating
(a) who you are, (b) what the BRL CAD package is to be used for, (c) the equipment and operating system(s) you plan on using, (d) that you agree to the conditions listed below.
This software is an unpublished work that is not generally available to the public, except through the terms of this limited distribution. The United States Department of the Army grants a royalty-free, nonexclusive, nontransferable license and right to use, free of charge, with the following terms and conditions:
1. The BRL CAD package source files will not be disclosed to third parties. BRL needs to know who has what, and what it is being used for.
2. BRL will be credited should the software be used in a product or written about in any publication. BRL will be referenced as the original source in any advertisements.
3. The software is provided "as is", without warranty by BRL. In no event shall BRL be liable for any loss or for any indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, incidental, or consequential damages arising from use, possession, or performance of the software.
4. When bugs or problems are found, you will make a reasonable effort to report them to BRL.
5. Before using the software at additional sites, or for permission to use this work as part of a commercial package, you agree to first obtain authorization from BRL.
6. You will own full rights to any databases or images you create with this package.
All requests from US citizens, or from US government agencies should be sent to:
Mike Muuss Ballistic Research Lab Attn: SLCBR-SECAD APG, MD 21005-5066
If you are not a US citizen (regardless of any affiliation with a US industry), or if you represent a foreign-owned or foreign-controlled industry, you must send your letter and tape through your Ambassador to the United States in Washington DC. Have your Ambassador submit the request to:
Army Headquarters Attn: DAMI-FL Washington, DC 20310
Best Wishes,
-Mike Muuss
Leader, Advanced Computer Systems Team
p.s. from David Rogers:
If you have the _Techniques in Computer Graphics_ book from Springer-Verlag the
frontispiece was done with RT the BRL ray tracer. It is also discussed in a
paper by Mike Muuss in that book.
p.s. from Eric Haines:
Mike Muuss was kind enought to send me the documentation (some two inches
thick) for the BRL package. I haven't used the BRL software (sadly, it does
not seem to run on my HP machine yet - I hope someone will do a conversion
someday...), but the package looks pretty impressive. Also, such things as the
Utah RLE package and `Cake' (an advanced form of `make') come as part of the
distribution. There are also interesting papers on the system, the design
philosophy, parallelism, and many other topics included in the documentation.
(article by Eric Haines)
Roy Hall's book is out, and all I'll say about it is that you should have one.
The text (what little I've delved into so far) is well written and complemented
with many explanatory figures and images. There are also many appendices
(about 100 pages worth) filled with concise formulae and "C" code. Below is
the top-level Table of Contents below to give you a sense of what the book
The "C" code will probably be available publicly somewhere sometime soon. I'll
post the details here when it's ready for distribution.
How to generate a uniformly distributed set of rays over the unit sphere:
Generate a point inside the bi-unit cube. (Three uniform random numbers in
[-1,1].) Is that point inside the unit sphere (and not at the origin)? If
not, toss it and generate another (not too often.) If so, treat it as a vector
and normalize it. Poof, a vector on the unit sphere. This won't guarantee a
isotropic covering of the unit sphere, but is helpful to generate random
--Jeff Goldsmith
One method is simply to do a longitude/latitude split-up of the sphere (and
randomly sampling within each patch), but instead of making the latitude lines
at even degree intervals, put the latitude divisions at even intervals along
the sphere axis (instead of even altitude [a.k.a. theta] angle intervals).
Equal axis divisions give us equal areas on the sphere's surface (amazingly
enough - I didn't believe it was this simple when I saw this in the Standard
Mathematics Tables book, so rederived it just to be sure).
For instance, let's say you'd like 32 samples on a unit sphere. Say we
make 8 longitude lines, so that now we want to make 4 patches per slice, and so
wish to make 4 latitudinal bands of equal area. Splitting up the vertical axis
of the sphere, we want divisions at -0.5, 0, and 0.5. To change these
divisions into altitude angles, we simply take the arcsin of the axis values,
e.g. arcsin(0.5) is 30 degrees. Putting latitude lines at the equator and at
30 and -30 degrees then gives us equal area patches on the sphere. If we
wanted 5 patches per slice, we would divide the axis of the unit sphere (-1 to
1) into 5 pieces, and so get -0.6,-0.2,0.2,0.6 as inputs for arcsin(). This
gives latitude lines on both hemispheres at 36.87 and 11.537 degrees.
The problem with the whole technique is deciding how many longitude vs.
latitude lines to make. Too many longitude lines and you get narrow patches,
too many latitude and you get squat patches. About 2 * long = lat seems pretty
good, but this is just a good guess and not tested.
Another problem is getting an even jitter to each patch. Azimuth is
obvious, but you have to jitter in the domain for the altitude. For example,
in a patch with an altitude from 30 to 90 degrees, you cannot simply select a
random degree value between 30 and 90, but rather must get a random value
between 0.5 and 1 (the original axis domain) and take the arcsin of this to
find the degree value. (If you didn't do it this way, the samples would tend
to be clustered closer to the poles instead of evenly).
Yet another problem with the above is that you get patches whose geometry
and topology can vary widely. Patches at the pole are actually triangular, and
patches near the equator will be much more squat than those closer to the
poles. If you would rather have patches with more of an equal extent than a
perfectly equal area, you could use a cube with a grid on each face cast upon
the sphere (radiosity uses half of this structure for hemi-cubes). The areas
won't be equal, but they'll be pretty close and you can weight the samples
accordingly. There are many other nice features to using this cast cube
configuration, like being able to use scan-line algorithms, being able to vary
grid size per face (or even use quadtrees), being able to access the structure
without having to perform trigonometry, etc. I use it to tessellate spheres in
the SPD package so that I won't get those annoying clusterings at the poles of
the sphere, which can be particularly noticeable when using specular
--Eric Haines
First an introduction. I'm a Computer Graphics student at the Technical
University of Delft, The Netherlands. My assignment was to do some research
about distributed ray tracing. I actually implemented a distributed ray tracer,
but during experiments a very strange problem came up. I implemented
depth-of-field exactly in the way R.L. Cook described in his paper. I decided
to do some experiments with the shape of the f-stop of the simulated camera.
First I simulated a square-shaped f-stop. Now I now this isn't the real thing
in an actual photocamera, but I just tried. I divided the square f-stop in a
regular raster of N x N sub-squares, just in the way you would subdivide a
pixel in subpixels. All the midpoints of the subsquares were jittered in the
usual way. Then I rendered a picture. Now here comes the strange thing. My
depth-of-field effect was pretty accurate, but on some locations some jaggies
were very distinct. There were about 20 pixels in the picture that showed very
clear aliasing of texture and object contours. The funny thing was that the
rest of the picture seemed alright. When I rendered the same picture with a
circle-shaped f-stop, the jaggies suddenly disappeared! I browsed through my
code of the square f-stop, but I couldn't find any bugs. I also couldn't find a
reasonable explanation of the appearance of the jaggies. I figure it might have
something to do with the square being not point-symmetric, but that's as far as
I can get. I would like to know if someone has experience with the same
problem, and does somebody has a good explanation for it ...
I'm adding fresnel reflectance to my shader. I'm in need of data for
reflectance as a function of frequency for non-polarized light at normal
incidence. I would like to build a stockpile of this data for a wide variety
of materials. I currently have some graphs of this data, but would much prefer
the actual sample points in place of the curve-fitted stuff I have now. (not to
mention the typing that you might save me).
If you have stuff such as this, and can share it with me, I would be most
appreciative. Also, if there is some Internet place where I might look, that
would be fine too.
It contains answers to most of the "most asked" questions from that period
as well as most of the sources posted to comp.graphics.
Now that you know what is there, you can find it in directory pub/graphics
at albanycs.albany.edu.
If you have anything to add to the collection or wish to update something
in it, or have have some ideas on how to organize it, please contact me at
one of the following.
[There's also a subdirectory called "ray-tracers" which has source code for
you-know-whats and other software--EAH]
In article 3324@uoregon.uoregon.edu
markv@uoregon.uoregon.edu (Mark VandeWettering) writes:
This has already been done by a number of people. One paper by T. L. Kunii
describes a renderer called "Gemstone Fire" or something. It models refraction
as you suggest to get realistic looking gems. Sorry, but I can't recall where
(or if) it has been published. I have also read several (as yet) unpublished
papers which do the same thing in pretty much the same way.
David Jevans, U of Calgary Computer Science, Calgary AB T2N 1N4 Canada
uucp: ...{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!jevans
>From: coifman@yale.UUCP (Ronald Coifman)
>> This could be tough. ...
Yep, I got a Masters degree for doing that (I was the student Rob is refer-
ring to). The problem in modelling dispersion is to integrate the primary
sample, over the visible frequencies of light. Using the Monte Carlo integra-
tion techniques of Cook on the visible spectrum yields a nice, fairly simple
solution, albeit at the cost of supersampling at ~10-20 rays per pixel, where
dispersive sampling is required.
Thomas used a different approach. He adaptively subdivided the spectrum
based on the angle of spread of the dispersed ray, given the range of frequen-
cies it represents. This can be more efficient, but can also have unlimited
growth in the number of samples. Credit Spencer Thomas; he was first.
As at least one person has pointed out, perhaps the most interesting aspect
of this problem is that of representing the spectrum on an RGB monitor. That's
an open problem; I'd be really interested in hearing about any solutions that
people have come up with. (No, the obvious CIE to RGB conversion doesn't work
worth a damn.)
My solution(s) can be found in "A Realistic Model of Refraction for Computer
Graphics", F. Kenton Musgrave, Modelling and Simulation on Microcomputers 1988
conference proceedings, Soc. for Computer Simulation, Feb. 1988, in my UC Santa
Cruz Masters thesis of the same title, and (hopefully) in an upcoming paper
"Prisms and Rainbows: a Dispersion Model for Computer Graphics" at the Graphics
Interface conference this summer. (I can e-mail troff sources for these papers
to interested parties, but you'll not get the neat-o pictures.)
For a look at an image of a physical model of the rainbow, built on the
dispersion model, see the upcoming Jan. IEEE CG&A "About the Cover" article.
In article (239@raunvis.UUCP) kjartan@raunvis.UUCP
Yes, John Walsh, Norm Dadoun, and others at the University of British Columbia
have used ray tracing-like techniques to simulate acoustics. They called their
method of tracing polygonal cones through a scene "beam tracing" (even before
Pat Hanrahan and I independently coined the term for graphics applications).
Walsh et al simulated the reflection and diffraction of sound, and were able to
digitally process an audio recording to simulate room acoustics to aid in
concert hall design. This is my (four year old) bibliography of their papers:
>From: jevans@ucalgary.ca (David Jevans)
Three of my friends did a sound tracer for an undergraduate project last year.
The system used directional sound sources and microphones and a
ray-tracing-like algorithm to trace the sound. Sound sources were digitized
and stored in files. Emitters used these sound files. At the end of the 4
month project they could digitize something, like a person speaking, run it
through the system, then pump the results through a speaker. An acoustic
environment was built (just like you build a model for graphics). You could
get effects like echoes and such. Unfortunately this was never published. I
am trying to convince them to work on it next semester...
David Jevans, U of Calgary Computer Science, Calgary AB T2N 1N4 Canada
uucp: ...{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!jevans
>From: eugene@eos.UUCP (Eugene Miya)
May I also add that you research all the work on acoustic lasers done at places
like the Applied Physics Lab.
>From: riley@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Daniel S. Riley)
In article (572@epicb.UUCP) david@epicb.UUCP (David P. Cook) writes:
Ok, I think most of us can agree that this was a reprehensible attempt at
arbitrary censorship of an interesting discussion. Even if some of the
discussion is amateurish and naive.
> The statement made above
On the other hand, I think David is *seriously* underestimating the state of
the art in sound processing and generation. Yes, Ray Kurzweil has done lots of
interesting work, but so have many other people. Of the examples David gives,
most (xor'ing, contrast stretching, fuzzing, antialiasing and quantization) are
as elementary in sound processing as they are in image processing. Sure, your
typical music store synthesizer/sampler doesn't offer these features (though
some come close--especially the E-mu's), but neither does your vcr. And the
work Kurzweil music and Kurzweil applied intelligence have done on instrument
modelling and speech recognition go WAY beyond any of these elementary
The one example I really don't know about is ray tracing. Sound tracing is
certainly used in some aspects of reverb design, and perhaps other areas of
acoustics, but I don't know at what level diffraction is handled--and
diffraction is a big effect with sound propagation. You also have to worry
about phases, interference, and lots of other fun effects that you can (to
first order) ignore in ray tracing. References, anyone? (Perhaps I should
resubscribe to comp.music, and try there...)
(off on a tangent: does any one know of work on ray tracers that will do things
like coherent light sources, interference, diffraction, etc? In particular,
anyone have a ray tracer that will do laser speckling right? I'm pretty naive
about the state of the art in image synthesis, so I have no idea if such beasts
exist. It looks like a hard problem to me, but I'm just a physicist...)
>No, this is not a WELL RESEARCHED area as Kelly would have us believe. The
Much work in sound synthesis has been along lines similar to image synthesis.
Some of it is proprietary, and the rest I think just receives less attention,
since sound synthesis doesn't have quite the same level of perceived
usefulness, or the "sexiness", of image synthesis. But it is there.
Regardless, I agree with David that this is an interesting discussion, and I
certainly don't mean to discourage any one from thinking or posting about it.
-Dan Riley (dsr@lns61.tn.cornell.edu, cornell!batcomputer!riley)
-Wilson Lab, Cornell U.
>From: kjartan@raunvis.UUCP (Kjartan Pierre Emilsson Jardedlisfraedi)
We would like to begin by thanking everybody for their good replies, which
will in no doubt come handy. We intend to try to implement such a sound tracer
soon and we had already made some sort of model for it, but we were checking
whether there was some info lying around about such tracers. It seems that our
idea wasn't far from actual implementations and that is reassuring.
For the sake of Academical Curiosity and overall Renaissance-like
Enlightenment in the beginning of a new year we decided to submit our crude
model to the critics and attention of this newsgroup, hoping that it won't
interfere too much with the actual subject of the group, namely computer
We have some volume with an arbitrary geometry (usually simple such
as a concert hall or something like that). Squares would work just
fine as primitives. Each primitive has definite reflection
properties in addition to some absorption filter which possibly
filters out some frequencies and attenuates the signal.
In this volume we put a sound emitter which has the following
At some other point we place the sound receptor which has the
following form:
Now for the actual sound tracing we do the following:
A more sophisticated model would include secondary rays and
sound 'shadowing' (The shadowing being a little tricky as it is
frequency dependent)
pros & cons ?
>From: brent@itm.UUCP (Brent)
Ok, here's some starting points: check out the work of M. Schroeder at the
Gottingen. (Barbarian keyboard has no umlauts!) Also see the recent design work
on the Orange County Civic Auditorium and the concert hall in New Zealand.
These should get you going in the right direction. Dr. Schroeder laid the
theoretical work and others ran with it. As far as sound ray tracing and
computer acoustics being centuries behind, I doubt it. Dr. S. has done things
like record music in stereo in concert halls, digitized it, set up playback
equipment in an anechoic chamber (bldg 15 at Murry Hill), measured the path
from the right speaker to the left ear, and from the left speaker to the right
ear, digitized the music and did FFTs to take out the "crossover paths" he
measured. Then the music played back sounded just like it did in the concert
hall. All this was done over a decade ago.
Also on acoustic ray tracing: sound is much "nastier" to figure than
pencil-rays of light. One must also consider the phase of the sound, and the
specific acoustic impedance of the reflecting surfaces. Thus each reflection
introduces a phase shift as well as direction and magnitude changes. I haven't
seen too many optical ray-tracers worrying about interference and phase shift
due to reflecting surfaces. Plus you have to enter vast world of
psychoacoustics, or how the ear hears sound. In designing auditoria one must
consider "binaural dissimilarity" (Orange County) and the much-debated
"auditory backward inhibition" (see the Lincoln Center re-designs).
Resonance?? how many optical chambers resonate? (outside lasers?) All in all,
modern acoustic simulations bear much more resemblance to Quantum Mechanic
"particle in the concert hall" type calculations than to simple ray-traced
Postscript: eye-to-source optical ray tracing is a restatement of
Rayleigh's "reciprocity principle of sound" of about a century ago.
Acoustitions have been using it for at least that long.
Some of the articles I have found include
Criteria for Quantitative Rating and Optimum Design on Concert Halls
Design of room acoustics and a MCR reverberation system for Bjergsted
Concert hall in Stavanger
I am also looking for an English translation of:
Ein Strahlverfolgungs-Verafahren Zur Berechnung von Schallfelern in Raemem
[ Ray-Tracing Program for the calculation of sound fields of rooms ]
If anyone is interested in doing a translation I can send the German copy that
I have. It doesn't do an ignorant fool like myself any good and I have a hard
time convincing my wife or friends who know Deutch to do the translation.
A good literature search can discover plenty of articles, quite a few of which
are about architectural design of music halls. With a large concert hall, the
calculations are easier because of the dimensions. (the wavelength is small
compared to the dimensions of the hall)
The cases I am interested in are complicated by the fact that I want to work
with relatively small rooms, large sources, and to top it off low (60hz)
frequencies. I vaguely remember seeing a blurb somewhere about a program done
by BOSE ( the speaker company) that calculated sound fields generated by
speakers in a room. I would appreciate any information on such a beast.
The simple source for geometric acoustics is described in Beranek's Acoustic in
the chapter on Radiation of Sound. To better appreciate the complexity from
diffraction, try the chapter on The Radiation and Scattering of Sound in Philip
Morse's Vibration and Sound ISBN 0-88318-287-4.
I am curious as to the commercial software that is available in this area.
Does anyone have any experience they could comment on???
>From: markv@uoregon.uoregon.edu (Mark VandeWettering)
I would like to present some preliminary ideas about sound tracing, and
critique (hopefully profitably) the simple model presented by Kjartan Pierre
Emilsson Jardedlisfraedi. (Whew! and I thought my name was bad, I will
abbreviate it to KPEJ)
CAVEAT READER: I have no expertise in acoustics or sound engineering. Part of
the reason I am writing this is to test some basic assumptions that I have made
during the course of thinking about sound tracing. I have done little/no
research, and these ideas are my own.
KJEP had a model related below:
> We have some volume with an arbitrary geometry (usually simple such
One interesting form of sound reflector might be the totally
diffuse reflector (Lambertian reflection). It seems that if
this is the assumption, then the appropriate algorithm to use
might be radiosity, as opposed to raytracing. Several problems
immediately arise:
The common solution to 1 in computer graphics is to ignore it.
Is this satisfactory in the audio case? Under what
circumstances or applications is 1 okay?
Point 2 is not often considered in computer graphics, but in
computerized sound generation, it seems critical to accurate
formation of echo and reverberation effects. To properly handle
time delay in radiosity would seem to require a more difficult
treatment, because the influx of "energy" at any given time
from a given patch could depend on the outgoing energy at a
number of previous times. This seems pretty difficult, any
immediate ideas?
> Now for the actual sound tracing we do the following:
One open question: how much directional information is captured
by your ears? Since you can discern forward/backward sounds as
well as left/right, it would seem that ordinary stereo
headphones are incapable of reproducing sounds as complex as one
would like. Can the ears be fooled in clever ways?
The only thing I think this model lacks is secondary "rays" or
echo/reverb effects. Depending on how important they are,
radiosity algorithms may be more appropriate.
Feel free to comment on any of this, it is an ongoing "thought
experiment", and has made a couple of luncheon conversations
quite interesting.
Mark VandeWettering
>From: ksbooth@watcgl.waterloo.edu (Kelly Booth)
In article (3458@uoregon.uoregon.edu) markv@drizzle.UUCP (Mark VandeWettering) writes:
[Trivia Question: Why does the index for the proceedings list this as starting
on page 269?]
Also, something akin to 2 has been tackled in some ray tracers where dispersion
is taken into account (this is caused by the refractive index depending on the
frequency, which is basically a differential speed of light).
In article (11390016@hpldola.HP.COM), paul@hpldola.HP.COM (Paul Bame) writes:
A grad student at the U of Calgary a couple of years ago did something like
this. He was using holographic techniques for character recognition, and could
generate synthetic holograms. Also, what about Pixar? See IEEE CG&A 3 issues
David Jevans, U of Calgary Computer Science, Calgary AB T2N 1N4 Canada
uucp: ...{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!jevans
>From: dave@onfcanim.UUCP (Dave Martindale)
Laser speckle is a particularly special case of interference, because it
happens in your eye, not on the surface that the laser is hitting.
A ray-tracing system that dealt with interference of light from different
sources would show the interference fringes that occur when a laser light
source is split into two beams and recombined, and the interference of acoustic
waves. But to simulate laser speckle, you'd have to trace the light path all
the way back into the viewer's eye and calculate interference effects on the
retina itself.
If you don't believe me, try this: create a normal two-beam interference fringe
pattern. As you move your eye closer, the fringes remain the same physical
distance apart, becoming wider apart in angular position as viewed by your eye.
The bars will remain in the same place as you move your head from side to side.
Now illuminate a target with a single clean beam of laser light. You will see
a fine speckle pattern. As you move your eye closer, the speckle pattern does
not seem to get any bigger - the spots remain the same angular size as seen by
your eye. As you move your head from side to side, the speckle pattern moves.
As the laser light reflects from a matte surface, path length differences
scramble the phase of light traveling by slightly different paths. When a
certain amount of this light is focused on a single photoreceptor in your eye
(or a camera), the light combines constructively or destructively, giving the
speckle pattern. But the size of the "grains" in the pattern is basically the
same as the spacing of the photoreceptors in your eye - basically each cone in
your eye is receiving a random signal independent of each other cone.
The effect depends on the scattering surface being rougher than 1/4 wavelength
of light, and the scale of the roughness being smaller than the resolution
limit of the eye as seen from the viewing position. This is true for almost
anything except a highly-polished surface, so most objects will produce
Since the pattern is due to random variation in the diffusing surface, there is
little point in calculating randomness there, tracing rays back to the eye, and
seeing how they interfere - just add randomness directly to the final image
(although this won't correctly model how the speckle "moves" as you move your
However, to model speckle accurately, the pixel spacing in the image has to be
no larger than the resolution limit of the eye, about half an arc minute. For
a CRT or photograph viewed from 15 inches away, that's 450 pixels/inch, far
higher than most graphics displays are capable of. So, unless you have that
sort of system resolution, you can't show speckle at the correct size.
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_Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery_
by Roy Hall
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989, 282 pages
1.0 Introduction 8 pages
2.0 The Illumination Process 36 pages
3.0 Perceptual Response 18 pages
4.0 Illumination Models 52 pages
5.0 Image Display 40 pages
Appendix I - Terminology 2 pages
Appendix II - Controlling Appearance 10 pages
Appendix III - Example Code 86 pages
Appendix IV - Radiosity Algorithms 14 pages
Appendix V - Equipment Sources 4 pages
References 8 pages
Index 4 pages
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Uniform Distribution of Sample Points on a Surface
[Mark Reichert asked last issue how to get a random sampling of a sphere]
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Depth of Field Problem
From: Marinko Laban via Frits Post dutrun!frits@mcvax.cwi.nl
Many thanks in advance,
Marinko Laban
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Query on Frequency Dependent Reflectance
From: hpfcla!sunrock!kodak!supra!reichert@Sun.COM (Mark Reichert x25948)
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"Best of comp.graphics" ftp Site,
by Raymond Brand
A collection of the interesting/useful [in my opinion] articles from
comp.graphics over the last year and a half is available for anonymous ftp.
Raymond S. Brand rsbx@beowulf.uucp
3A Pinehurst Ave. rsb584@leah.albany.edu
Albany NY 12203 FidoNet 1:7729/255 (518-489-8968)
(518)-482-8798 BBS: (518)-489-8986
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Notes on Frequency Dependent Refraction
Newsgroups: comp.graphics
< }< Finally, has anyone come up with a raytracer whose refraction model
< }< takes into account the varying indices of refraction of different light
< }< frequencies? In other words, can I find a raytracer that, when looking
< }< through a prism obliquely at a light source, will show me a rainbow?
< }
< } This could be tough. The red, green, and blue components of monitors
< }only simulate the full color spectrum. On a computer, yellow is a mixture
< }of red and green. In real life, yellow is yellow. You'd have to cast a
< }large number of rays and use a large amount of computer time to simulate
< }a full color spectrum. (Ranjit pointed this out in his article and went
< }into much greater detail).
< Actually, this problem seems the easiest. We merely have to trace rays
< of differing frequency (perhaps randomly sampled) and use Fresnel's
< equation to determine refraction characteristics. If you are trying to
< model phase effects like diffraction, you will probably have a much more
< difficult time.
>This is the easy part...
>You fire say 16 rays per pixel anyway to do
>antialiasing, and assign each one a color (frequency). When the ray
>is refracted through an object, take into account the index of
>refraction and apply Snell's law. A student here did that
>and it worked fine. He simulated rainbows and diffraction effects
>through prisms.
> (Spencer Thomas (U. Utah, or is it U. Mich. now?) also implemented
>the same sort of thing at about the same time.
Ken Musgrave
Ken Musgrave arpanet: musgrave@yale.edu
Yale U. Math Dept.
Box 2155 Yale Station Primary Operating Principle:
New Haven, CT 06520 Deus ex machina
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Sound Tracing
>From: ph@miro.Berkeley.EDU (Paul Heckbert)
Subject: Re: Sound tracing
[source: comp.graphics]
(Kjartan Pierre Emilsson Jardedlisfraedi) asks:
> Has anyone had any experience with the application of ray-tracing techniques
> to simulate acoustics, i.e. the formal equivalent of ray-tracing using sound
> instead of light? ...
%A Norm Dadoun
%A David G. Kirkpatrick
%A John P. Walsh
%T Hierarchical Approaches to Hidden Surface Intersection Testing
%J Proceedings of Graphics Interface '82
%D May 1982
%P 49-56
%Z hierarchical convex hull or minimal bounding box to optimize intersection
testing between beams and polyhedra, for graphics and acoustical analysis
%K bounding volume, acoustics, intersection testing
%A John P. Walsh
%A Norm Dadoun
%T The Design and Development of Godot:
A System for Room Acoustics Modeling and Simulation
%B 101st meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
%C Ottawa
%D May 1981
%A John P. Walsh
%A Norm Dadoun
%T What Are We Waiting for? The Development of Godot, II
%B 103rd meeting of the Acoustical Society of America
%C Chicago
%D Apr. 1982
%K beam tracing, acoustics
%A John P. Walsh
%T The Simulation of Directional Sound Sources
in Rooms by Means of a Digital Computer
%R M. Mus. Thesis
%I U. of Western Ontario
%C London, Canada
%D Fall 1979
%K acoustics
%A John P. Walsh
%T The Design of Godot:
A System for Room Acoustics Modeling and Simulation, paper E15.3
%B Proc. 10th International Congress on Acoustics
%C Sydney
%D July 1980
%A John P. Walsh
%A Marcel T. Rivard
%T Signal Processing Aspects of Godot:
A System for Computer-Aided Room Acoustics Modeling and Simulation
%B 72nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society
%C Anaheim, CA
%D Oct. 1982
Paul Heckbert, CS grad student
508-7 Evans Hall, UC Berkeley UUCP: ucbvax!miro.berkeley.edu!ph
Berkeley, CA 94720 ARPA: ph@miro.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: Sound tracing
[source: comp.graphics]
Organization: Cornell Theory Center, Cornell University, Ithaca NY
>>In article (7488@watcgl.waterloo.edu) ksbooth@watcgl.waterloo.edu (Kelly Booth) writes:
>>>[...] It is highly unlikely that a couple of hackers thinking about
>>>the problem for a few minutes will generate startling break throughs
>>>(possible, but not likely).
> Is appalling! Sound processing is CENTURIES behind image processing.
> If we were to apply even a few of our common algorithms
> to the audio spectrum, it would revolutionize the
> synthizer world. These people are living in the stone
> age (with the exception of a few such as Kuerdswell [sp]).
>sound people are generally not attacking sound synthesis as we attack
>vision synthesis. This is wonderful thinking, KEEP IT UP!
Newsgroups: comp.graphics
The sound emitter generates a sound sample in the form
of a time series with a definite mean power P. The emitter
emits the sound with a given power density given as some
spherical distribution. For simplicity we tessellate this
distribution and assign to each patch the corresponding mean
We take a sphere and cut it in two equal halves, and then
separate the two by some distance d. We then tessellate the
half-spheres (not including the cut). We have then a crude
model of ears.
For each patch of the two half-spheres, we cast a ray
radially from the center, and calculate an intersection
point with the enclosing volume. From that point we
determine which patch of the emitter this corresponds to,
giving us the emitted power. We then pass the corresponding
time series through the filter appropriate to the given
primitives, calculate the reflected fraction, attenuate the
signal by the square of the distance, and eventually
determine the delay of the signal.
When all patches have been traced, we sum up all the time
series and output the whole lot through some stereo device.
Happy New Year !!
-Kjartan & Dagur
Kjartan Pierre Emilsson
Science Institute - University of Iceland
Dunhaga 3
107 Reykjavik
Iceland Internet: kjartan@raunvis.hi.is
Organization: In Touch Ministries, Atlanta, GA
happy listening,
brent laminack (gatech!itm!brent)
Reply-To: trantow@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Jerry J Trantow)
Subject: Geometric Acoustics (Sound Tracing)
Summary: Not so easy, but here are some papers
Organization: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Hulbert, G.M. Baxa, D.E. Seireg, A.
University of Wisconsin - Madison
J Acoust Soc Am v 71 n 3 Mar 83 p 619-629
ISSN 0001-4966, Item Number: 061739
Strom, S. Krokstad, A. Sorsdal, S. Stensby, S.
Appl Acoust v19 n6 1986 p 465-475
Norwegian Inst of Technology, Trondheim, Norw
ISSN 0003-682X, Item Number: 000913
Voralaender, M.
Acoustica v65 n3 Feb 88 p 138-148
ISSN 0001-7884, Item Number: 063350
Subject: More Sound Tracing
Organization: University of Oregon, Computer Science, Eugene OR
> as a concert hall or something like that). Squares would work just
> fine as primitives. Each primitive has definite reflection
> properties in addition to some absorption filter which possibly
> filters out some frequencies and attenuates the signal.
1. how to handle diffraction and interference?
2. how to handle "relativistic effects" (caused by
the relatively slow speed of sound)
> For each patch of the two half-spheres, we cast a ray
> radially from the center, and calculate an intersection
> point with the enclosing volume. From that point we
> determine which patch of the emitter this corresponds to,
> giving us the emitted power. We then pass the corresponding
> time series through the filter appropriate to the given
> primitives, calculate the reflected fraction, attenuate the
> signal by the square of the distance, and eventually
> determine the delay of the signal.
> When all patches have been traced, we sum up all the time
> series and output the whole lot through some stereo device.
Organization: U. of Waterloo, Ontario
> 1. how to handle diffraction and interference?
> 2. how to handle "relativistic effects" (caused by
> the relatively slow speed of sound)
> The common solution to 1 in computer graphics is to ignore it.
Hans P. Moravec,
"3D Graphics and Wave Theory"
Computer Graphics 15:3 (August, 1981) pp. 289-296.
(SIGGRAPH '81 Proceedings)
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Laser Speckle
>From: jevans@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (David Jevans)
> A raytracer which did laser speckling right might also be able
> to display holograms.
Organization: National Film Board / Office national du film, Montreal
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Eric Haines / erich@acm.org