Tachyon (current)  Current Main Branch
src Directory Reference


file  api.c [code]
file  apigeom.c [code]
file  apitrigeom.c [code]
file  apitrigeom.h [code]
file  box.c [code]
file  box.h [code]
file  camera.c [code]
file  camera.h [code]
file  coordsys.c [code]
file  coordsys.h [code]
file  cylinder.c [code]
file  cylinder.h [code]
file  extvol.c [code]
file  extvol.h [code]
file  global.c [code]
file  global.h [code]
file  grid.c [code]
file  grid.h [code]
file  hash.c [code]
file  hash.h [code]
file  image.h [code]
file  imageio.c [code]
file  imageio.h [code]
file  imap.c [code]
file  imap.h [code]
file  intersect.c [code]
file  intersect.h [code]
file  jpeg.c [code]
file  jpeg.h [code]
file  light.c [code]
file  light.h [code]
file  macros.h [code]
file  parallel.c [code]
file  parallel.h [code]
file  parvol.c [code]
file  parvol.h [code]
file  plane.c [code]
file  plane.h [code]
file  pngfile.c [code]
file  pngfile.h [code]
file  ppm.c [code]
file  ppm.h [code]
file  ProfileHooks.h [code]
 CPU and GPU profiling utility macros/routines.
file  psd.c [code]
file  psd.h [code]
file  quadric.c [code]
file  quadric.h [code]
file  render.c [code]
file  render.h [code]
file  ring.c [code]
file  ring.h [code]
file  sgirgb.c [code]
file  sgirgb.h [code]
file  shade.c [code]
file  shade.h [code]
file  sphere.c [code]
file  sphere.h [code]
file  tachyon.h [code]
 Tachyon public API function prototypes and declarations used to drive the ray tracing engine.
file  tachyon_dep.h [code]
 Old now-deprecated Tachyon APIs that have been replaced by newer APIs and/or improved functionality.
file  TachyonOptiX.cu [code]
 Tachyon ray tracing host side routines and internal APIs that provide the core ray OptiX-based RTX-accelerated tracing engine.
file  TachyonOptiX.h [code]
 Tachyon ray tracing host side routines and internal APIs that provide the core ray OptiX-based RTX-accelerated tracing engine.
file  TachyonOptiXShaders.cu [code]
 Tachyon ray tracing engine core routines compiled to PTX for runtime JIT to build complete ray tracing pipelines.
file  TachyonOptiXShaders.h [code]
 Tachyon ray tracing engine core routines and data structures compiled to PTX for runtime JIT to build complete ray tracing pipelines.
file  texture.c [code]
file  texture.h [code]
file  tgafile.c [code]
file  tgafile.h [code]
file  threads.c [code]
 Tachyon cross-platform thread creation and management, atomic operations, and CPU feature query APIs.
file  threads.h [code]
 Tachyon cross-platform thread creation and management, atomic operations, and CPU feature query APIs.
file  trace.c [code]
file  trace.h [code]
file  triangle.c [code]
file  triangle.h [code]
file  ui.c [code]
file  ui.h [code]
file  util.c [code]
 Tachyon cross-platform timers, special math function wrappers, and RNGs.
file  util.h [code]
 Tachyon cross-platform timers, special math function wrappers, and RNGs.
file  vector.c [code]
file  vector.h [code]
file  vol.c [code]
file  vol.h [code]
file  winbmp.c [code]
file  winbmp.h [code]