Tachyon (current)  Current Main Branch
Macros | Functions
api.c File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "tachyon.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "parallel.h"
#include "threads.h"
#include "box.h"
#include "cylinder.h"
#include "plane.h"
#include "quadric.h"
#include "ring.h"
#include "sphere.h"
#include "triangle.h"
#include "vol.h"
#include "extvol.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "light.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "camera.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "intersect.h"
#include "shade.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "imap.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "ui.h"

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int rt_mynode (void)
 distributed memory parallel node rank More...
int rt_numnodes (void)
 distributed memory parallel node count More...
int rt_initialize_nompi (void)
 Initialize Tachyon library, must be first Tachyon API called. More...
int rt_initialize (int *argc, char ***argv)
 Initialize Tachyon library, must be first Tachyon API called. More...
int rt_initialize_mpi_comm (void *mpicomm)
 Initialize Tachyon library, must be first Tachyon API called. More...
int rt_initialize_mpi_comm_world (void)
 Initialize Tachyon library, must be first Tachyon API called. More...
int rt_initialize_mpi_comm_split (void *mpicomm, int color, int key)
 Initialize Tachyon library, must be first Tachyon API called. More...
int rt_set_mpi_comm_world (void)
 Override the previously set MPI communicator with MPI_COMM_WORLD. More...
int rt_set_mpi_comm (void *mpicomm)
 Override the previously set MPI communicator for Tachyon to use. More...
int rt_set_mpi_comm_split (void *mpicomm, int color, int key)
 Override the previously set MPI communicator for Tachyon to use. More...
int rt_set_mpi_comm_world_split (int color, int key)
 Override the previously set MPI communicator for Tachyon to use. More...
int rt_set_mpi_comm_world_split_all (void)
 Override the previously set MPI communicator for Tachyon to use. More...
void rt_finalize (void)
 Shut down Tachyon library for good, at final use before program termination. More...
apivector rt_vector (flt x, flt y, flt z)
 Helper function to make vectors. More...
apicolor rt_color (flt r, flt g, flt b)
 Helper function to make colors. More...
void rt_renderscene (SceneHandle voidscene)
 Render the current scene. More...
void rt_normal_fixup_mode (SceneHandle voidscene, int mode)
 Set the surface normal and polygon winding order fixup mode to use when generating triangles with interpolated surface normals. More...
void rt_aa_maxsamples (SceneHandle voidscene, int maxsamples)
 Sets the maximum number of supersamples to take for any pixel. More...
void rt_shadow_filtering (SceneHandle voidscene, int onoff)
 Control whether or not transparent surfaces modulate incident light or not. More...
void rt_trans_max_surfaces (SceneHandle voidscene, int count)
 Set the maximum number of transparent surfaces that will be rendered. More...
void rt_camera_setup (SceneHandle voidscene, flt zoom, flt aspectratio, int antialiasing, int raydepth, apivector camcent, apivector viewvec, apivector upvec)
 Define a camera for a perspective projection, given the specified zoom factor, aspect ratio, antialiasing sample count, maximum ray recursion depth, and camera center, view direction, and up direction, in a left-handed coordinate system. More...
void rt_camera_projection (SceneHandle voidscene, int mode)
 Set camera projection mode. More...
void rt_camera_position (SceneHandle voidscene, apivector camcent, apivector viewvec, apivector upvec)
 Set camera position and orientation. More...
void rt_camera_position3fv (SceneHandle voidscene, const float *camcent, const float *viewvec, const float *upvec)
 Set camera position and orientation. More...
void rt_get_camera_position (SceneHandle voidscene, apivector *camcent, apivector *viewvec, apivector *upvec, apivector *rightvec)
 Get camera position and orientation. More...
void rt_get_camera_position3fv (SceneHandle voidscene, float *camcent, float *viewvec, float *upvec, float *rightvec)
 Get camera position and orientation. More...
void rt_camera_raydepth (SceneHandle voidscene, int maxdepth)
 Camera maximum ray recursion depth (i.e. More...
void rt_camera_zoom (SceneHandle voidscene, flt zoom)
 Set camera "zoom" factor. More...
flt rt_get_camera_zoom (SceneHandle voidscene)
 Return current camera "zoom" factor. More...
void rt_camera_eye_separation (SceneHandle voidscene, flt eyesep)
 Set camera stereoscopic eye separation. More...
flt rt_camera_get_eye_separation (SceneHandle voidscene)
void rt_camera_modulate_eye_separation (SceneHandle voidscene, flt cospow)
 Set camera stereoscopic eye separation modulation and cosine power. More...
flt rt_camera_get_modulate_eye_separation (SceneHandle voidscene)
void rt_camera_vfov (SceneHandle voidscene, flt vfov)
 Set vertical field of view (in degrees) for a perspective camera. More...
flt rt_get_camera_vfov (SceneHandle voidscene)
 Return vertical field of view (in degrees) for a perspective camera. More...
void rt_camera_frustum (SceneHandle voidscene, flt left, flt right, flt bottom, flt top)
 Set view frustum for active camera. More...
void rt_outputfile (SceneHandle voidscene, const char *outname)
 Set the filename for the output image for the specified scene. More...
void rt_camera_dof (SceneHandle voidscene, flt focaldist, flt aperture)
 Set depth-of-field rendering options. More...
void rt_outputformat (SceneHandle voidscene, int format)
 Set the format of the output image(s). More...
void rt_resolution (SceneHandle voidscene, int hres, int vres)
 Set the horizontal and vertical resolution (in pixels) for the specified scene. More...
void rt_get_resolution (SceneHandle voidscene, int *hres, int *vres)
 Get the horizontal and vertical resolution (in pixels) for the specified scene. More...
void rt_aspectratio (SceneHandle voidscene, float aspectratio)
 Set the view frustum aspect ratio (width/height) More...
void rt_get_aspectratio (SceneHandle voidscene, float *aspectratio)
 Get the view frustum aspect ratio (width/height) More...
void rt_crop_disable (SceneHandle voidscene)
 Disable output image cropping. More...
void rt_crop_output (SceneHandle voidscene, int hres, int vres, int sx, int sy)
 Crop the output image to the specified size, intended only for use in SPECMPI benchmarking. More...
void rt_verbose (SceneHandle voidscene, int v)
 Enables or Disables verbose messages from the Tachyon library during rendering. More...
void rt_rawimage_rgb24 (SceneHandle voidscene, unsigned char *img)
 Have Tachyon save the output image in the specified memory area, in raw 24-bit, packed, pixel interleaved, unsigned RGB bytes. More...
void rt_rawimage_rgb96f (SceneHandle voidscene, float *img)
 Request Tachyon to save the output image in the specified memory area, in raw 96-bit, packed, pixel interleaved, 32-bit float RGB bytes. More...
void rt_image_clamp (SceneHandle voidscene)
 Enable clamping of pixel values to the range [0 1) (rather than renormalizing) prior to output. More...
void rt_image_normalize (SceneHandle voidscene)
 Enable renormalization of pixel values to the range [0 1) (rather than clamping) prior to output. More...
void rt_image_gamma (SceneHandle voidscene, float gamma)
 Apply gamma correction to the pixel values after normalization. More...
void rt_accumulation_mode (SceneHandle voidscene, int mode)
 Request Tachyon to use (or disuse) an internal floating point accumulation buffer, combining the newest frame with previously accumulated frames, normalizing the pixel values using an internal subframe counter. More...
void rt_set_numthreads (SceneHandle voidscene, int numthreads)
 Explicitly set the number of worker threads Tachyon will use. More...
void rt_background (SceneHandle voidscene, apicolor col)
 Set the background color of the specified scene. More...
void rt_background_gradient (SceneHandle voidscene, apivector up, flt topval, flt botval, apicolor topcol, apicolor botcol)
 Set parameters for gradient (sky plane or sphere) background texturing. More...
void rt_background_sky_sphere (SceneHandle voidscene, apivector up, flt topval, flt botval, apicolor topcol, apicolor botcol)
 Set parameters for sky sphere background texturing. More...
void rt_background_mode (SceneHandle voidscene, int mode)
 Set the background texturing mode to use. More...
void rt_ambient_occlusion (SceneHandle voidscene, int numsamples, apiflt maxdist, apicolor col)
 Ambient occlusion lighting, with monte carlo sampling of omnidirectional "sky" light. More...
void rt_fog_parms (SceneHandle voidscene, apicolor col, flt start, flt end, flt density)
 Set fog rendering parameters. More...
void rt_fog_rendering_mode (SceneHandle voidscene, int mode)
 Set fog rendering mode, either radial fog (native Tachyon behavior), or an OpenGL- or VMD-like planar fog. More...
void rt_fog_mode (SceneHandle voidscene, int mode)
 Set fog style (linear, exponential, exponential-squared). More...
void rt_trans_mode (SceneHandle voidscene, int mode)
 Set transparency rendering mode. More...
void rt_boundmode (SceneHandle voidscene, int mode)
 Enables or disable automatic generation and use of ray tracing acceleration data structures. More...
void rt_boundthresh (SceneHandle voidscene, int threshold)
 Set the threshold to be used when automatic generation of ray tracing acceleration structures is to be used. More...
void rt_shadermode (SceneHandle voidscene, int mode)
 Set the shading mode for the specified scene. More...
void rt_rescale_lights (SceneHandle voidscene, flt lightscale)
 Rescale all light sources in the scene by factor lightscale. More...
void rt_phong_shader (SceneHandle voidscene, int mode)
 Set the equation used for rendering specular highlights. More...
SceneHandle rt_newscene (void)
 Allocate, initialize, and return a handle for a new scene. More...
void rt_deletescene (SceneHandle voidscene)
 Destroy and deallocate the specified scene. More...
void apitextotex (apitexture *apitex, texture *tx)
void * rt_texture (SceneHandle sc, apitexture *apitex)
 Translate a texture definition into the internal format used by Tachyon, and returns an opaque pointer to the internal texturing data structure that is passed to object creation routines. More...
void rt_define_teximage_rgb24 (const char *name, int xs, int ys, int zs, unsigned char *rgb)
 Define a named 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D texture image with a 24-bit RGB image buffer, without any file references. More...
void rt_define_image (const char *name, int xs, int ys, int zs, unsigned char *rgb)
 Defines a named 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D texture image with a 24-bit RGB image buffer, without any file references. More...
void * rt_texture_copy_standard (SceneHandle sc, void *oldtex)
 Do not use this unless you know what you're doing, this is a short-term workaround until new object types have been created. More...
void * rt_texture_copy_vcstri (SceneHandle sc, void *oldvoidtex)
 Do not use this unless you know what you're doing, this is a short-term workaround until new object types have been created. More...
void rt_tex_phong (void *voidtex, flt phong, flt phongexp, int type)
 Set Phong shading parameters for an existing texture. More...
void rt_tex_transmode (void *voidtex, int transmode)
 Set transparent surface shading parameters for an existing texture, enabling or disabling angle-modulated transparency. More...
void rt_tex_outline (void *voidtex, flt outline, flt outlinewidth)
 Set edge cueing outline shading parameters for an existing texture. More...
static void add_bounded_object (scenedef *scene, object *obj)
static void add_unbounded_object (scenedef *scene, object *obj)
void * rt_light (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, apivector ctr, flt rad)
 Define a point light with associated texture, position, and radius. More...
void * rt_light3fv (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, const float *ctr, float rad)
 Define a point light with associated texture, position, and radius. More...
void * rt_directional_light (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, apivector dir)
 Define a directional light with associated texture and direction. More...
void * rt_directional_light3fv (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, const float *dir)
 Define a directional light with associated texture and direction. More...
void * rt_spotlight (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, apivector ctr, flt rad, apivector dir, flt start, flt end)
 Define a spotlight with associated texture, position, radius, direction, falloff start, and falloff end parameters. More...
void * rt_spotlight3fv (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, const float *ctr, float rad, const float *dir, float start, float end)
 Define a spotlight with associated texture, position, radius, direction, falloff start, and falloff end parameters. More...
void rt_light_attenuation (void *vli, flt Kc, flt Kl, flt Kq)
 Set light attenuation parameters for an existing light. More...
void rt_scalarvol (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, apivector min, apivector max, int xs, int ys, int zs, const char *fname, void *voidvol)
 Define an axis-aligned scalar volumetric data set, loaded from a file. More...
void rt_extvol (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, apivector min, apivector max, int samples, flt(*evaluator)(flt, flt, flt))
 Define an axis-aligned volumetric data set, with a user-defined sample evaluation callback function. More...
void rt_box (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, apivector min, apivector max)
 Define an axis-aligned box. More...
void rt_cylinder (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, apivector ctr, apivector axis, flt rad)
 Define an infinite cylinder. More...
void rt_cylinder3fv (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, const float *ctr, const float *axis, float rad)
 Define an infinite cylinder. More...
void rt_fcylinder (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, apivector ctr, apivector axis, flt rad)
 Define a finite-length cylinder. More...
void rt_fcylinder3fv (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, const float *ctr, const float *axis, float rad)
 Define a finite-length cylinder. More...
void rt_plane (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, apivector ctr, apivector norm)
 Define a plane. More...
void rt_plane3fv (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, const float *ctr, const float *norm)
 Define a plane. More...
void rt_ring (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, apivector ctr, apivector norm, flt inner, flt outer)
 Define an annular ring. More...
void rt_ring3fv (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, const float *ctr, const float *norm, float inner, float outer)
 Define an annular ring. More...
void rt_sphere (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, apivector ctr, flt rad)
 Define a sphere with associated texture, center, and radius. More...
void rt_sphere3fv (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, const float *ctr, float rad)
 Define a sphere with associated texture, center, and radius. More...
void rt_tri (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, apivector v0, apivector v1, apivector v2)
 Define a flat-shaded triangle. More...
void rt_tri3fv (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, const float *v0, const float *v1, const float *v2)
 Define a flat-shaded triangle. More...
void rt_stri (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, apivector v0, apivector v1, apivector v2, apivector n0, apivector n1, apivector n2)
 Define a smooth-shaded triangle using interpolated vertex normals. More...
void rt_stri3fv (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, const float *v0, const float *v1, const float *v2, const float *n0, const float *n1, const float *n2)
 Define a smooth-shaded triangle using interpolated vertex normals. More...
void rt_vcstri (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, apivector v0, apivector v1, apivector v2, apivector n0, apivector n1, apivector n2, apicolor c0, apicolor c1, apicolor c2)
 Define a smooth-shaded triangle using interpolated vertex normals and per-vertex colors. More...
void rt_vcstri3fv (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, const float *v0, const float *v1, const float *v2, const float *n0, const float *n1, const float *n2, const float *c0, const float *c1, const float *c2)
 Define a smooth-shaded triangle using interpolated vertex normals and per-vertex colors. More...
void rt_tristripscnv3fv (SceneHandle voidscene, void *tex, int numverts, const float *cnv, int numstrips, const int *vertsperstrip, const int *facets)
 Define smooth-shaded triangle strips using interpolated vertex normals, and per-vertex colors. More...
void rt_quadsphere (SceneHandle scene, void *tex, apivector ctr, flt rad)
 Define a quadric sphere, normally used only for testing and benchmarking. More...
void rt_clip_fv (SceneHandle voidscene, int numplanes, const float *planes)
 Enable or update a clipping plane group. More...
void rt_clip_dv (SceneHandle voidscene, int numplanes, const double *planes)
 Enable or update a clipping plane group. More...
void rt_clip_off (SceneHandle voidscene)
 Disable active clipping plane group. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 17 of file api.c.

Function Documentation

◆ add_bounded_object()

static void add_bounded_object ( scenedef *  scene,
object *  obj 

◆ add_unbounded_object()

static void add_unbounded_object ( scenedef *  scene,
object *  obj 

Definition at line 1034 of file api.c.

References new_objectid().

Referenced by rt_cylinder(), rt_plane(), rt_plane3fv(), and rt_quadsphere().

◆ apitextotex()

void apitextotex ( apitexture apitex,
texture *  tx 

◆ rt_aa_maxsamples()

void rt_aa_maxsamples ( SceneHandle  ,
int  maxsamples 

Sets the maximum number of supersamples to take for any pixel.

Definition at line 210 of file api.c.

Referenced by postsceneoptions(), and rt_camera_setup().

◆ rt_accumulation_mode()

void rt_accumulation_mode ( SceneHandle  ,
int  mode 

Request Tachyon to use (or disuse) an internal floating point accumulation buffer, combining the newest frame with previously accumulated frames, normalizing the pixel values using an internal subframe counter.

The default Tachyon behavior is to operate without use of the accumulation buffer.

Definition at line 457 of file api.c.


Referenced by fly_scene(), rt_newscene(), and tachyon_spaceball_update().

◆ rt_ambient_occlusion()

void rt_ambient_occlusion ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
int  numsamples,
apiflt  maxdist,
apicolor  col 

Ambient occlusion lighting, with monte carlo sampling of omnidirectional "sky" light.

Definition at line 563 of file api.c.

References apicolor::b, apicolor::g, and apicolor::r.

Referenced by GetShaderMode(), GetSkyLight(), postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_aspectratio()

void rt_aspectratio ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
float  aspectratio 

Set the view frustum aspect ratio (width/height)

Definition at line 385 of file api.c.

Referenced by rt_camera_setup().

◆ rt_background()

void rt_background ( SceneHandle  ,

Set the background color of the specified scene.

Definition at line 490 of file api.c.

References apicolor::b, apicolor::g, and apicolor::r.

Referenced by GetBackGnd(), NFFGetScenedefs(), ParseAC3D(), ParseNFF(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_background_gradient()

void rt_background_gradient ( SceneHandle  ,
apivector  up,
flt  topval,
flt  botval,
apicolor  topcolor,
apicolor  botcolor 

Set parameters for gradient (sky plane or sphere) background texturing.

The "up" vector defines the direction of the "top" color. The top and bottom values give maximum and minimum projection values for the dot product between the the incident ray directon or original (sphere or plane respectively) and the "up" vector. The final resulting scaled and clamped value is used as the interpolation factor between the top and bottom gradient colors.

Definition at line 497 of file api.c.

References apicolor::b, apicolor::g, and apicolor::r.

Referenced by GetBackGndGradient(), and rt_background_sky_sphere().

◆ rt_background_mode()

void rt_background_mode ( SceneHandle  ,
int  mode 

Set the background texturing mode to use.

When the solid texture mode is used, any ray that does not hit an object and does not achieve 100% fog density will be assigned the solid background color.
When the sky sphere mode is active, the background color is computed by interpolating between a top/bottom color pair. The sky sphere color interpolation is performed by computing a dot product between the incident ray direction and the "up" color gradient direction, and the projected direction component is normalized and clamped against the top and bottom values. The sky sphere background mode is apropriate for any of the perspective or fisheye style camera projections, but not for orthographic projections.

The sky plane background mode is intended for use with orthographic projections. The sky plane mode operates by interpolating similarly to the sky sphere, except that instead of projecting the incident ray direction vector onto the "up" direction vector, the direction component is computed by projecting the incident ray origin onto the "up" vector, since in the orthographic projection, all camera rays have identical direction vectors.

Definition at line 544 of file api.c.

References RT_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SKY_ORTHO_PLANE, RT_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SKY_SPHERE, RT_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE_SOLID, sky_plane_background_texture(), sky_sphere_background_texture(), and solid_background_texture().

Referenced by GetBackGndGradient(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_background_sky_sphere()

void rt_background_sky_sphere ( SceneHandle  ,
apivector  up,
flt  topval,
flt  botval,
apicolor  topcolor,
apicolor  botcolor 

Set parameters for sky sphere background texturing.

Definition at line 539 of file api.c.

References rt_background_gradient().

Referenced by rt_newscene().

◆ rt_boundmode()

void rt_boundmode ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
int  mode 

Enables or disable automatic generation and use of ray tracing acceleration data structures.

Definition at line 624 of file api.c.

Referenced by postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_boundthresh()

void rt_boundthresh ( SceneHandle  ,
int  threshold 

Set the threshold to be used when automatic generation of ray tracing acceleration structures is to be used.

The threshold represents the minimum number of objects which must be present in an area of space before an automatic acceleration system will consider optimizing the objects using spatial subdivision or automatic bounds generation methods.

Definition at line 630 of file api.c.

References MSG_0, rt_mynode(), and rt_ui_message().

Referenced by postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_box()

void rt_box ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
apivector  mincoord,
apivector  maxcoord 

Define an axis-aligned box.

Definition at line 1156 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newbox().

Referenced by GetBox().

◆ rt_camera_dof()

void rt_camera_dof ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
flt  focaldist,
flt  aperture 

Set depth-of-field rendering options.

Definition at line 361 of file api.c.

References cameradof().

Referenced by GetCamera(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_camera_eye_separation()

void rt_camera_eye_separation ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
flt  eyesep 

Set camera stereoscopic eye separation.

Definition at line 307 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetCamera(), and rt_camera_setup().

◆ rt_camera_frustum()

void rt_camera_frustum ( SceneHandle  ,
flt  left,
flt  right,
flt  bottom,
flt  top 

Set view frustum for active camera.

This routine is best used by experts. The center of the image plane is defined at the camera center, translated one unit length in the view direction. Given this, by defining the left, right, bottom, and top edges of the image plane, one can easily render a very high resolution image in multiple passes (a tile at a time), or one can use the precise view frustum definition to control the field of view more conveniently when matching vs. OpenGL, etc.

Definition at line 345 of file api.c.

References camerafrustum().

Referenced by GetCamera().

◆ rt_camera_get_eye_separation()

flt rt_camera_get_eye_separation ( SceneHandle  voidscene)

Definition at line 312 of file api.c.

◆ rt_camera_get_modulate_eye_separation()

flt rt_camera_get_modulate_eye_separation ( SceneHandle  voidscene)

Definition at line 325 of file api.c.

◆ rt_camera_modulate_eye_separation()

void rt_camera_modulate_eye_separation ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
flt  cospow 

Set camera stereoscopic eye separation modulation and cosine power.

Definition at line 317 of file api.c.

◆ rt_camera_position()

void rt_camera_position ( SceneHandle  ,
apivector  center,
apivector  viewdir,
apivector  updir 

Set camera position and orientation.

Definition at line 256 of file api.c.

References cameraposition().

Referenced by animate_scene(), rt_camera_setup(), and tachyon_spaceball_update().

◆ rt_camera_position3fv()

void rt_camera_position3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
const float *  center,
const float *  viewdir,
const float *  updir 

Set camera position and orientation.

Definition at line 262 of file api.c.

References cameraposition().

◆ rt_camera_projection()

void rt_camera_projection ( SceneHandle  ,
int  mode 

Set camera projection mode.

Definition at line 251 of file api.c.

References cameraprojection().

Referenced by GetCamera().

◆ rt_camera_raydepth()

void rt_camera_raydepth ( SceneHandle  ,
int  maxdepth 

Camera maximum ray recursion depth (i.e.

number of levels of reflection and transmission rays traced).

Definition at line 292 of file api.c.

Referenced by postsceneoptions(), and rt_camera_setup().

◆ rt_camera_setup()

void rt_camera_setup ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
flt  zoom,
flt  aspectratio,
int  antialiasing,
int  raydepth,
apivector  camcent,
apivector  viewvec,
apivector  upvec 

Define a camera for a perspective projection, given the specified zoom factor, aspect ratio, antialiasing sample count, maximum ray recursion depth, and camera center, view direction, and up direction, in a left-handed coordinate system.

Definition at line 229 of file api.c.

References cameradefault(), rt_aa_maxsamples(), rt_aspectratio(), rt_camera_eye_separation(), rt_camera_position(), rt_camera_raydepth(), and rt_camera_zoom().

Referenced by GetCamera(), GetScenedefs(), main(), NFFGetScenedefs(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_camera_vfov()

void rt_camera_vfov ( SceneHandle  ,
flt  vfov 

Set vertical field of view (in degrees) for a perspective camera.

This API won't have the intended effect on other types of cameras.

Definition at line 333 of file api.c.

References rt_camera_zoom().

◆ rt_camera_zoom()

void rt_camera_zoom ( SceneHandle  ,
flt  zoom 

Set camera "zoom" factor.

At a "zoom" factor of 1.0 for a perspective camera, Tachyon defines the height of the image plane as 1.0, at a distance of 1.0 from the camera center, yielding a 90 degree vertical field of view for a normal perspective camera. Zooming to a factor of 2.0 cuts the vertical height of the image plane in half, giving a correspondingly reduced vertical field of view of 53 degrees. For other types of cameras the zoom factor adjusts the projected image plane size accordingly, though the specific field of view .

Definition at line 297 of file api.c.

References camerazoom().

Referenced by rt_camera_setup(), and rt_camera_vfov().

◆ rt_clip_dv()

void rt_clip_dv ( SceneHandle  ,
int  numplanes,
const double *  planes 

Enable or update a clipping plane group.

Definition at line 1458 of file api.c.

◆ rt_clip_fv()

void rt_clip_fv ( SceneHandle  ,
int  numplanes,
const float *  planes 

Enable or update a clipping plane group.

Definition at line 1433 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetClipGroup().

◆ rt_clip_off()

void rt_clip_off ( SceneHandle  )

Disable active clipping plane group.

Definition at line 1483 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetClipGroupEnd().

◆ rt_color()

apicolor rt_color ( flt  r,
flt  g,
flt  b 

Helper function to make colors.

helper to make colors

Definition at line 169 of file api.c.

References apicolor::b, apicolor::g, and apicolor::r.

Referenced by GetBackGndGradient(), GetVertexArray(), main(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_crop_disable()

void rt_crop_disable ( SceneHandle  )

Disable output image cropping.

Definition at line 396 of file api.c.


Referenced by rt_newscene().

◆ rt_crop_output()

void rt_crop_output ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
int  hres,
int  vres,
int  sx,
int  sy 

Crop the output image to the specified size, intended only for use in SPECMPI benchmarking.

Definition at line 405 of file api.c.


Referenced by postsceneoptions().

◆ rt_cylinder()

void rt_cylinder ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
apivector  center,
apivector  axis,
flt  radius 

Define an infinite cylinder.

Definition at line 1160 of file api.c.

References add_unbounded_object(), and newcylinder().

Referenced by GetCylinder().

◆ rt_cylinder3fv()

void rt_cylinder3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
const float *  center,
const float *  axis,
float  radius 

Define an infinite cylinder.

Definition at line 1164 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newcylinder().

◆ rt_define_image()

void rt_define_image ( const char *  name,
int  xsize,
int  ysize,
int  zsize,
unsigned char *  rgb24data 

Defines a named 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D texture image with a 24-bit RGB image buffer, without any file references.

This allows an application to send Tachyon images for texture mapping without having to touch the filesystem.

Definition at line 956 of file api.c.

References AllocateImageRGB24().

◆ rt_define_teximage_rgb24()

void rt_define_teximage_rgb24 ( const char *  name,
int  xsize,
int  ysize,
int  zsize,
unsigned char *  rgb24data 

Define a named 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D texture image with a 24-bit RGB image buffer, without any file references.

This allows an application to send Tachyon images for texture mapping without having to touch the filesystem.

Definition at line 951 of file api.c.

References AllocateImageRGB24().

Referenced by GetImageDef().

◆ rt_deletescene()

void rt_deletescene ( SceneHandle  )

Destroy and deallocate the specified scene.

Definition at line 784 of file api.c.

References destroy_render_threads(), free_light_special(), free_objects(), FreeTextures(), and rt_par_delete_scanlinereceives().

Referenced by animate_scene(), fly_scene(), and main().

◆ rt_directional_light()

void* rt_directional_light ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
apivector  direction 

Define a directional light with associated texture and direction.

Definition at line 1077 of file api.c.

References newdirectionallight(), and VNorm().

Referenced by GetDirLight(), and rt_directional_light3fv().

◆ rt_directional_light3fv()

void* rt_directional_light3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
const float *  direction 

Define a directional light with associated texture and direction.

Definition at line 1099 of file api.c.

References rt_directional_light().

◆ rt_extvol()

void rt_extvol ( SceneHandle  scene,
void *  tex,
apivector  min,
apivector  max,
int  samples,
flt(*)(flt, flt, flt evaluator 

Define an axis-aligned volumetric data set, with a user-defined sample evaluation callback function.

Definition at line 1152 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newextvol().

Referenced by main().

◆ rt_fcylinder()

void rt_fcylinder ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
apivector  center,
apivector  axis,
flt  radius 

Define a finite-length cylinder.

Definition at line 1173 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newfcylinder().

Referenced by GetFCylinder(), NFFGetCylCone(), rt_polycylinder(), and rt_tri_cylinder().

◆ rt_fcylinder3fv()

void rt_fcylinder3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
const float *  center,
const float *  axis,
float  radius 

Define a finite-length cylinder.

Definition at line 1177 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newfcylinder().

Referenced by rt_polycylinder3fv().

◆ rt_finalize()

void rt_finalize ( void  )

Shut down Tachyon library for good, at final use before program termination.

Tachyon may not be used after rt_finalize has been called.

Definition at line 153 of file api.c.

References FreeTextures(), global_parhnd, and rt_par_finish().

Referenced by animate_scene(), fly_scene(), and main().

◆ rt_fog_mode()

void rt_fog_mode ( SceneHandle  ,

Set fog style (linear, exponential, exponential-squared).

Definition at line 596 of file api.c.

References fog_color_exp(), fog_color_exp2(), fog_color_linear(), RT_FOG_EXP, RT_FOG_EXP2, RT_FOG_LINEAR, and RT_FOG_NONE.

Referenced by GetFog(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_fog_parms()

void rt_fog_parms ( SceneHandle  ,
apicolor  col,
flt  start,
flt  end,
flt  density 

Set fog rendering parameters.

Definition at line 573 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetFog(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_fog_rendering_mode()

void rt_fog_rendering_mode ( SceneHandle  ,

Set fog rendering mode, either radial fog (native Tachyon behavior), or an OpenGL- or VMD-like planar fog.

The Tachyon-native radial fog implementation uses the distance along the ray to the point of intersection as the fog coordinate. This gives more natural results in mirror reflections. The Tachyon-native radial fog implementation also applies fog to the background color, unlike OpenGL. The OpenGL- or VMD-style fog implmentation computes the fog coordinate by determining the its depth in the plane normal to the view direction, at the intersection point. Another difference in behavior is that OpenGL fog does not affect the background color. OpenGL-style fog is only applied to rendered geometry, not to the background color.

Definition at line 581 of file api.c.


Referenced by GetShaderMode(), postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_get_aspectratio()

void rt_get_aspectratio ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
float *  aspectratio 

Get the view frustum aspect ratio (width/height)

Definition at line 391 of file api.c.

◆ rt_get_camera_position()

void rt_get_camera_position ( SceneHandle  ,
apivector center,
apivector viewdir,
apivector updir,
apivector rightdir 

Get camera position and orientation.

Definition at line 273 of file api.c.

References getcameraposition().

Referenced by tachyon_init_spaceball().

◆ rt_get_camera_position3fv()

void rt_get_camera_position3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
float *  center,
float *  viewdir,
float *  updir,
float *  rightdir 

Get camera position and orientation.

Definition at line 280 of file api.c.

References getcameraposition().

◆ rt_get_camera_vfov()

flt rt_get_camera_vfov ( SceneHandle  )

Return vertical field of view (in degrees) for a perspective camera.

This API won't have the intended effect on other types of cameras.

Definition at line 338 of file api.c.

◆ rt_get_camera_zoom()

flt rt_get_camera_zoom ( SceneHandle  )

Return current camera "zoom" factor.

Definition at line 302 of file api.c.

◆ rt_get_resolution()

void rt_get_resolution ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
int *  hres,
int *  vres 

Get the horizontal and vertical resolution (in pixels) for the specified scene.

Definition at line 379 of file api.c.

Referenced by postsceneoptions(), and tachyon_display_create().

◆ rt_image_clamp()

void rt_image_clamp ( SceneHandle  voidscene)

Enable clamping of pixel values to the range [0 1) (rather than renormalizing) prior to output.

This mode is useful for improved rendering performance.

Definition at line 437 of file api.c.

Referenced by postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_image_gamma()

void rt_image_gamma ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
float  gamma 

Apply gamma correction to the pixel values after normalization.

Definition at line 449 of file api.c.

Referenced by postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_image_normalize()

void rt_image_normalize ( SceneHandle  voidscene)

Enable renormalization of pixel values to the range [0 1) (rather than clamping) prior to output.

Definition at line 443 of file api.c.

Referenced by postsceneoptions().

◆ rt_initialize()

int rt_initialize ( int *  ,
char ***   

Initialize Tachyon library, must be first Tachyon API called.

Takes pointer to argument count, and pointer to argument array

  1. resets and initializes Tachyon (and MPI!)
  2. initializes internal parallel processing facilities, and tests inter-node connectivity.
  3. deallocates previously allocated internal data structures
  4. returns the rank of this computational node on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 70 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, InitTextures(), rt_mynode(), and rt_par_init().

Referenced by main().

◆ rt_initialize_mpi_comm()

int rt_initialize_mpi_comm ( void *  mpicomm)

Initialize Tachyon library, must be first Tachyon API called.

Takes pointer to caller-provided MPI communicator. The caller must have already run MPI_init() before calling this API.

  1. resets and initializes Tachyon
  2. initializes internal parallel processing facilities, and tests inter-node connectivity.
  3. deallocates previously allocated internal data structures
  4. returns the rank of this computational node on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 82 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, InitTextures(), rt_mynode(), and rt_par_init_mpi_comm().

◆ rt_initialize_mpi_comm_split()

int rt_initialize_mpi_comm_split ( void *  mpicomm,
int  color,
int  key 

Initialize Tachyon library, must be first Tachyon API called.

Takes pointer to caller-provided MPI communicator. The caller must have already run MPI_init() before calling this API. This variant subdivides compute nodes into multiple rendering groups, according to the same input parameters as MPI_Comm_split().

  1. resets and initializes Tachyon
  2. initializes internal parallel processing facilities, and tests inter-node connectivity.
  3. deallocates previously allocated internal data structures
  4. returns the rank of this computational node on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 106 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, InitTextures(), rt_mynode(), and rt_par_init_mpi_comm_split().

◆ rt_initialize_mpi_comm_world()

int rt_initialize_mpi_comm_world ( )

Initialize Tachyon library, must be first Tachyon API called.

The caller must have already run MPI_init() before calling this API. This API sets Tachyon to use MPI_COMM_WORLD by default.

  1. resets and initializes Tachyon
  2. initializes internal parallel processing facilities, and tests inter-node connectivity.
  3. deallocates previously allocated internal data structures
  4. returns the rank of this computational node on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 94 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, InitTextures(), rt_mynode(), and rt_par_init_mpi_comm_world().

◆ rt_initialize_nompi()

int rt_initialize_nompi ( )

Initialize Tachyon library, must be first Tachyon API called.

This variant shuts-off the MPI features in builds that have MPI, thereby allowing runtime determination of whether to use MPI or not.

Definition at line 58 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, InitTextures(), rt_mynode(), and rt_par_init_nompi().

◆ rt_light()

void* rt_light ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
apivector  center,
flt  radius 

Define a point light with associated texture, position, and radius.

Definition at line 1049 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newpointlight().

Referenced by GetLight(), GetScenedefs(), main(), NFFGetLight(), and rt_light3fv().

◆ rt_light3fv()

void* rt_light3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
const float *  center,
float  radius 

Define a point light with associated texture, position, and radius.

Definition at line 1069 of file api.c.

References rt_light().

◆ rt_light_attenuation()

void rt_light_attenuation ( void *  light,
flt  constfactor,
flt  linearfactor,
flt  quadfactor 

Set light attenuation parameters for an existing light.

Definition at line 1142 of file api.c.

References light_set_attenuation().

Referenced by GetLight(), and GetSpotLight().

◆ rt_mynode()

int rt_mynode ( void  )

◆ rt_newscene()

SceneHandle rt_newscene ( void  )

◆ rt_normal_fixup_mode()

void rt_normal_fixup_mode ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
int  mode 

Set the surface normal and polygon winding order fixup mode to use when generating triangles with interpolated surface normals.

Definition at line 185 of file api.c.

Referenced by presceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_numnodes()

int rt_numnodes ( void  )

distributed memory parallel node count

Definition at line 53 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, and rt_par_size().

Referenced by fly_scene().

◆ rt_outputfile()

void rt_outputfile ( SceneHandle  ,
const char *  outname 

Set the filename for the output image for the specified scene.

Definition at line 350 of file api.c.

Referenced by animate_scene(), fly_scene(), GetScenedefs(), main(), NFFGetScenedefs(), postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_outputformat()

void rt_outputformat ( SceneHandle  ,
int  format 

Set the format of the output image(s).

Definition at line 367 of file api.c.

Referenced by postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_phong_shader()

void rt_phong_shader ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
int  mode 

Set the equation used for rendering specular highlights.

Definition at line 678 of file api.c.

References RT_SHADER_BLINN, RT_SHADER_BLINN_FAST, RT_SHADER_NULL_PHONG, RT_SHADER_PHONG, shade_blinn(), shade_blinn_fast(), shade_nullphong(), and shade_phong().

Referenced by postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_plane()

void rt_plane ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
apivector  center,
apivector  normal 

Define a plane.

Definition at line 1186 of file api.c.

References add_unbounded_object(), and newplane().

Referenced by drawsp(), GetPlane(), and main().

◆ rt_plane3fv()

void rt_plane3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
const float *  center,
const float *  normal 

Define a plane.

Definition at line 1190 of file api.c.

References add_unbounded_object(), and newplane().

◆ rt_quadsphere()

void rt_quadsphere ( SceneHandle  scene,
void *  tex,
apivector  ctr,
flt  rad 

Define a quadric sphere, normally used only for testing and benchmarking.

Definition at line 1410 of file api.c.

References quadmatrix::a, add_unbounded_object(), quadmatrix::b, quadmatrix::c, quadric::ctr, quadmatrix::d, quadmatrix::e, quadmatrix::f, quadmatrix::g, quadmatrix::h, quadmatrix::i, quadmatrix::j, quadric::mat, and newquadric().

◆ rt_rawimage_rgb24()

void rt_rawimage_rgb24 ( SceneHandle  ,
unsigned char *  rawimage 

Have Tachyon save the output image in the specified memory area, in raw 24-bit, packed, pixel interleaved, unsigned RGB bytes.

The caller is responsible for making sure that there is enough space in the memory area for the entire image.

Definition at line 419 of file api.c.

Referenced by animate_scene(), fly_scene(), main(), rt_newscene(), tachyon_display_create(), and tachyon_display_draw().

◆ rt_rawimage_rgb96f()

void rt_rawimage_rgb96f ( SceneHandle  ,
float *  rawimage 

Request Tachyon to save the output image in the specified memory area, in raw 96-bit, packed, pixel interleaved, 32-bit float RGB bytes.

The caller is responsible for making sure that there is enough space in the memory area for the entire image.

Definition at line 428 of file api.c.

Referenced by rt_newscene().

◆ rt_renderscene()

void rt_renderscene ( SceneHandle  )

Render the current scene.

Definition at line 180 of file api.c.

References renderscene().

Referenced by animate_scene(), fly_scene(), and main().

◆ rt_rescale_lights()

void rt_rescale_lights ( SceneHandle  ,
flt  lightscale 

Rescale all light sources in the scene by factor lightscale.

Definition at line 673 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetShaderMode(), postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_resolution()

void rt_resolution ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
int  hres,
int  vres 

Set the horizontal and vertical resolution (in pixels) for the specified scene.

Definition at line 372 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetScenedefs(), main(), NFFGetScenedefs(), postsceneoptions(), rt_newscene(), and tachyon_display_draw().

◆ rt_ring()

void rt_ring ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
apivector  center,
apivector  mormal,
flt  innerrad,
flt  outerrad 

Define an annular ring.

Definition at line 1199 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newring().

Referenced by GetRing().

◆ rt_ring3fv()

void rt_ring3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
const float *  center,
const float *  normal,
float  innerrad,
float  outerrad 

Define an annular ring.

Definition at line 1203 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newring().

◆ rt_scalarvol()

void rt_scalarvol ( SceneHandle  scene,
void *  tex,
apivector  min,
apivector  max,
int  xs,
int  ys,
int  zs,
const char *  fname,
void *  voidvol 

Define an axis-aligned scalar volumetric data set, loaded from a file.

Definition at line 1146 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newscalarvol().

Referenced by GetVol(), and main().

◆ rt_set_mpi_comm()

int rt_set_mpi_comm ( void *  mpicomm)

Override the previously set MPI communicator for Tachyon to use.

Tachyon must already be initialized before this API is called. NOTE: This API can currently only be called when no Tachyon scene objects are allocated, as they contain internal references to MPI state associated with the previously active MPI communicator. Returns the new comm rank of this process on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 125 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, rt_par_rank(), and rt_par_set_mpi_comm().

◆ rt_set_mpi_comm_split()

int rt_set_mpi_comm_split ( void *  mpicomm,
int  color,
int  key 

Override the previously set MPI communicator for Tachyon to use.

Tachyon must already be initialized before this API is called. This API splits a user-provided communicator into new ones in the same way that MPI_Comm_split() does. NOTE: This API can currently only be called when no Tachyon scene objects are allocated, as they contain internal references to MPI state associated with the previously active MPI communicator. Returns the new comm rank of this process on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 132 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, rt_par_rank(), and rt_par_set_mpi_comm_split().

◆ rt_set_mpi_comm_world()

int rt_set_mpi_comm_world ( void  )

Override the previously set MPI communicator with MPI_COMM_WORLD.

Tachyon must already be initialized before this API is called. NOTE: This API can currently only be called when no Tachyon scene objects are allocated, as they contain internal references to MPI state associated with the previously active MPI communicator. Returns the new comm rank of this process on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 118 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, rt_par_rank(), and rt_par_set_mpi_comm_world().

◆ rt_set_mpi_comm_world_split()

int rt_set_mpi_comm_world_split ( int  color,
int  key 

Override the previously set MPI communicator for Tachyon to use.

Tachyon must already be initialized before this API is called. This API splits the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator into new ones in the same way that MPI_Comm_split() does. NOTE: This API can currently only be called when no Tachyon scene objects are allocated, as they contain internal references to MPI state associated with the previously active MPI communicator. Returns the new comm rank of this process on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 139 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, rt_par_rank(), and rt_par_set_mpi_comm_world_split().

◆ rt_set_mpi_comm_world_split_all()

int rt_set_mpi_comm_world_split_all ( void  )

Override the previously set MPI communicator for Tachyon to use.

Tachyon must already be initialized before this API is called. This API splits the MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator into new ones, with one communicator for each node. NOTE: This API can currently only be called when no Tachyon scene objects are allocated, as they contain internal references to MPI state associated with the previously active MPI communicator. Returns the new comm rank of this process on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 146 of file api.c.

References global_parhnd, rt_par_rank(), and rt_par_set_mpi_comm_world_split_all().

◆ rt_set_numthreads()

void rt_set_numthreads ( SceneHandle  ,

Explicitly set the number of worker threads Tachyon will use.

Definition at line 471 of file api.c.

References rt_thread_numprocessors(), and rt_thread_setconcurrency().

Referenced by postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_shadermode()

void rt_shadermode ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
int  mode 

Set the shading mode for the specified scene.

Modes are sorted from lowest quality (and fastest execution) to highest quality (and slowest execution)

Definition at line 646 of file api.c.

References full_shader(), low_shader(), lowest_shader(), medium_shader(), RT_SHADER_AUTO, RT_SHADER_FULL, RT_SHADER_HIGH, RT_SHADER_LOW, RT_SHADER_LOWEST, and RT_SHADER_MEDIUM.

Referenced by GetShaderMode(), postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_shadow_filtering()

void rt_shadow_filtering ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
int  onoff 

Control whether or not transparent surfaces modulate incident light or not.

Definition at line 219 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetShaderMode(), postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_sphere()

void rt_sphere ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
apivector  center,
flt  radius 

Define a sphere with associated texture, center, and radius.

Definition at line 1212 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newsphere().

Referenced by drawsp(), GetSphere(), main(), NFFGetSphere(), and rt_polycylinder().

◆ rt_sphere3fv()

void rt_sphere3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
const float *  center,
float  radius 

Define a sphere with associated texture, center, and radius.

Definition at line 1216 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newsphere().

Referenced by rt_polycylinder3fv().

◆ rt_spotlight()

void* rt_spotlight ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
void *  tex,
apivector  ctr,
flt  rad,
apivector  dir,
flt  start,
flt  end 

Define a spotlight with associated texture, position, radius, direction, falloff start, and falloff end parameters.

Definition at line 1107 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), newspotlight(), and VNorm().

Referenced by GetSpotLight(), and rt_spotlight3fv().

◆ rt_spotlight3fv()

void* rt_spotlight3fv ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
void *  tex,
const float *  ctr,
float  rad,
const float *  dir,
float  start,
float  end 

Define a spotlight with associated texture, position, radius, direction, falloff start, and falloff end parameters.

Definition at line 1132 of file api.c.

References rt_spotlight().

◆ rt_stri()

void rt_stri ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  ,
apivector  v0,
apivector  v1,
apivector  v2,
apivector  n0,
apivector  n1,
apivector  n2 

Define a smooth-shaded triangle using interpolated vertex normals.

Definition at line 1252 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), newstri(), and stri_normal_fixup().

Referenced by gen_triangles(), GetSTri(), GetVertexArray(), NFFGetPatch(), rt_sheightfield(), rt_tri_fcylinder(), and rt_tri_ring().

◆ rt_stri3fv()

void rt_stri3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  ,
const float *  v0,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2,
const float *  n0,
const float *  n1,
const float *  n2 

Define a smooth-shaded triangle using interpolated vertex normals.

Definition at line 1264 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), newstri(), and stri_normal_fixup().

◆ rt_tex_outline()

void rt_tex_outline ( void *  voidtex,
flt  outline,
flt  outlinewidth 

Set edge cueing outline shading parameters for an existing texture.

Definition at line 1008 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetTexBody().

◆ rt_tex_phong()

void rt_tex_phong ( void *  voidtex,
flt  phong,
flt  phongexp,
int  type 

Set Phong shading parameters for an existing texture.

Definition at line 994 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetTexBody().

◆ rt_tex_transmode()

void rt_tex_transmode ( void *  voidtex,
int  transmode 

Set transparent surface shading parameters for an existing texture, enabling or disabling angle-modulated transparency.

Definition at line 1002 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetTexBody().

◆ rt_texture()

void* rt_texture ( SceneHandle  ,

Translate a texture definition into the internal format used by Tachyon, and returns an opaque pointer to the internal texturing data structure that is passed to object creation routines.

NOTE: This API should be revised and deprecated, but a suitable replacement has not been written yet.

Definition at line 933 of file api.c.

References apitextotex(), and new_standard_texture().

Referenced by drawsp(), GetDirLight(), GetLight(), GetMaterial(), GetScenedefs(), GetSpotLight(), GetTexBody(), main(), NFFGetLight(), NFFGetTexture(), and reset_tex_table().

◆ rt_texture_copy_standard()

void* rt_texture_copy_standard ( SceneHandle  sc,
void *  oldtex 

Do not use this unless you know what you're doing, this is a short-term workaround until new object types have been created.

Definition at line 967 of file api.c.

References new_standard_texture().

◆ rt_texture_copy_vcstri()

void* rt_texture_copy_vcstri ( SceneHandle  sc,
void *  oldvoidtex 

Do not use this unless you know what you're doing, this is a short-term workaround until new object types have been created.

Definition at line 973 of file api.c.

References new_vcstri_texture().

Referenced by GetVertexArray(), and rt_tristripscnv3fv().

◆ rt_trans_max_surfaces()

void rt_trans_max_surfaces ( SceneHandle  ,
int  maxsurfaces 

Set the maximum number of transparent surfaces that will be rendered.

Definition at line 224 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetShaderMode(), postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_trans_mode()

void rt_trans_mode ( SceneHandle  ,
int  mode 

Set transparency rendering mode.

Definition at line 619 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetShaderMode(), postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().

◆ rt_tri()

void rt_tri ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
apivector  v0,
apivector  v1,
apivector  v2 

Define a flat-shaded triangle.

Definition at line 1224 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newtri().

Referenced by gen_triangles(), GetTPolyFile(), GetTri(), NFFGetPolygon(), rt_heightfield(), and rt_tri_box().

◆ rt_tri3fv()

void rt_tri3fv ( SceneHandle  ,
void *  tex,
const float *  v0,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2 

Define a flat-shaded triangle.

Definition at line 1234 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), and newtri().

◆ rt_tristripscnv3fv()

void rt_tristripscnv3fv ( SceneHandle  scene,
void *  tex,
int  numverts,
const float *  cnv,
int  numstrips,
const int *  vertsperstrip,
const int *  facets 

Define smooth-shaded triangle strips using interpolated vertex normals, and per-vertex colors.

All vertex data is stored in a single packed array of 32-bit floating point values formatted with each vertex consisting of colors, normals, and vertices, e.g. CrCgCbNxNyNzVxVyVz. One or multiple triangle strips are defined with a list of facet arrays, where each facet array contains a list of vertex indices.

Definition at line 1332 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), apicolor::b, apicolor::g, newvcstri(), apicolor::r, rt_texture_copy_vcstri(), vcstri_normal_fixup(), apivector::x, apivector::y, and apivector::z.

◆ rt_vcstri()

void rt_vcstri ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
void *  tex,
apivector  v0,
apivector  v1,
apivector  v2,
apivector  n0,
apivector  n1,
apivector  n2,
apicolor  c0,
apicolor  c1,
apicolor  c2 

Define a smooth-shaded triangle using interpolated vertex normals and per-vertex colors.

Definition at line 1288 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), newvcstri(), and vcstri_normal_fixup().

Referenced by GetVCSTri(), and GetVertexArray().

◆ rt_vcstri3fv()

void rt_vcstri3fv ( SceneHandle  voidscene,
void *  tex,
const float *  v0,
const float *  v1,
const float *  v2,
const float *  n0,
const float *  n1,
const float *  n2,
const float *  c0,
const float *  c1,
const float *  c2 

Define a smooth-shaded triangle using interpolated vertex normals and per-vertex colors.

Definition at line 1303 of file api.c.

References add_bounded_object(), newvcstri(), and vcstri_normal_fixup().

◆ rt_vector()

apivector rt_vector ( flt  x,
flt  y,
flt  z 

Helper function to make vectors.

Definition at line 159 of file api.c.

References apivector::x, apivector::y, and apivector::z.

Referenced by GetBackGndGradient(), GetVertexArray(), main(), rt_newscene(), rt_sheightfield(), and rt_tri_box().

◆ rt_verbose()

void rt_verbose ( SceneHandle  ,
int  v 

Enables or Disables verbose messages from the Tachyon library during rendering.

(a zero value means off, non-zero means on)

Definition at line 414 of file api.c.

Referenced by GetScenedefs(), main(), NFFGetScenedefs(), postsceneoptions(), and rt_newscene().